We weren’t supposed to be here… We were on our way to Venice.. and got lost 🤣Or rather, our GPS did. We took a ‘detour’, ended up in a couple remote towns in the area of Sud Tirol (which is half Austrian, half Italian).
I’ve never felt this lucky to be ‘lost’ before. We discovered a narrow mountain road where you could fall off if you fart sideways 🤣And the views were spectacular. I could only manage a few shots because my mouth was hanging open the whole time.
Buildings were centuries old, and people still live in these old towns. Tiny Italian cars that look like covered-up tuk tuks. Rivers cutting through MASSIVE mountains, and the sun barely peeking through rain clouds.
And taking all this beauty in… I realized – on this day, exactly one year ago – I arrived in Tbilisi. The city that started it all for me. And here I am, one year after… still getting lost! 😍