After building her own $6-figure lingerie company in the Philippines, Jomie left to travel the world full-time, armed with a greater mission: Help inspiring CEO’s build the business they’ll love forever. Read more here
Jomie has been instrumental in conceptualizing and launching a few of my businesses. She is an operations maven and PM, par excellence.
Jomie goes above and beyond just “getting the job done” — she thinks critically about the work she’s doing and adds valuable ideas and feedback along the way. i would hire her again in a heartbeat!
I literally have never made a better hire in my life. Jomie, Niki and team have completely changed the way my business partner and I relate to "work" and have created an environment that allows us to work on our genius and nothing else.
We accomplished a TON in a very short time. Working with you and your team has been a complete pleasure. You have great ideas and your team executes without hesitation. I always know that when I sign over a task, no matter how large, that it will get done meticulously and on schedule.
I’ve been in the online marketing world for over 10 years and I’ve never met a project manager as good as Jomie!
Jomie never misses a deadline, thinks ahead of me, and acts on solutions fast. With her managing my business, I’m able to run it on Auto-Pilot while getting timely feedback and progress updates just as I need them.