Cataratas Foz do Iguacu, Brazil

Breathtakingly. Beautiful. 

I was extremely lucky to experience this in the park, and then again on a helicopter ride. I experienced the falls from the Brazilian side, and if you zoom into some of my photos, you’ll see people on the Argentinian side! 

Hola, Argentina!!

best. view. ever.

We travelled to Iguacu from Rio by overnight bus, and it was the comfiest ride I’ve ever had! I wish planes looked like Brazilian buses. 

There was so much leg room, big reclining chairs, and we stopped to eat at cafeterias. It was the cheapest, most comfy 28-hour commute I’ve ever been in. 

Then – My partner blew me away by surprising me with a helicopter ride above these falls. We were briefly above Argentina and Paraguay air space (talk about a multi-country trip in 10 minutes 🤣). 

I ❤️ you, Iguacu. 


Tip: If you’re coming here from the town of Iguacu, if you’re not alone and are staying somewhere in the suburbs, it’s best to just take the taxi or uber back and forth. There’s wifi at the helicopter pad. 

I didn’t check wifi at the Waterfall park – but if they don’t have one – the helipad and the Parque das Aves definitely do, and they’re just 50m away. 

In the end, it was much quicker/cheaper than waiting for a bus to town, where we had to take a taxi back ‘home’, again anyway.